

Be yourself.
After work, me and my friends dropped by at a nearby supermarket to buy something. As we go over some items for [personal effects], one of my friends asked, "why this one cost this much here?", comparing a product in other shop, "do u think that the other shop sells fake items as rumored?". "Well", I said, "fake items are anywhere nowadays." That ended the conversation.
Like this products, we can fake things out. We can pretend to be who we want to be. But in the end, the real us will come out to the surface.
I hate being around [GREAT PRETENDERS]. Because maybe I'm a [what your see is what you get]-person. Why can't we be just who we are? People nowadays try to conform to the majority. Many loses their identity just trying to be accepted. Everybody have the need to belong, to be accepted. But not to a point of giving up who we are. What we do does not define who we are, who we are defines what we do. Our identity makes us unique. We can be who we are and still gain real friends who would love us unconditionally. If there are changes to be made, then be it for the better.
Being real is costly. But it satisfies even to deepest of the soul. BE yourself.

1 comment:

nothing said...

be always ourselves!
be yourself!